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Re: exists $foo[7] and delete $foo[7]

Larry Wall writes:
|| Ilya Zakharevich writes:
|| : Gurusamy Sarathy writes:
|| : > So I decided to should extend exists() and delete() to cover arrays
|| : > as well.
|| : 
|| : Should not we do the same to keys()/values()/each() as well?  1/6 ;-)
|| Patches 5/6 welcome.  :-)

When it gets to the point that sparse arrays actually contain
large gaps (with no elements physically allocated for them),
there would be a great advantage in having each/keys/values.


    @a[1, 1000, 1 000 000, 1 000 000 000] = (0..3);

    while( ($index,$value) = each(@a) ) {

would be about a billion times faster than:

    for( $index = 0; $index < @a; ++$index ) {
        next unless exists $a[$index];
        $val = $a[$index];

But, there is no urgency about adding each/keys/values for 5.6.

I'm at least 11/6 tuits short of generating a patch.

John Macdonald     jmm@jmm.pickering.elegant.com

Follow-Ups from:
Martyn Pearce <m.pearce@inpharmatica.co.uk>

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