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Re: [ID 20000111.008] use strict 'vars'

>and that would that be *your* puritanical maxim then?

Your skill at detecting irony is, I note, only halfway developed.

>I never claimed to have the answer, I only asked why it was
>done the way it was done, and asked why couldn't it be done
>this other way or that other way. I was looking for the 
>benefit versus cost comparison.

There's a big difference between "couldn't be done" and "couldn't
have been done".  We can't screw up $a and $b just to fit your
prurient interests that somewhere, someone might someday do something
immoral with those variables.  If you want to discuss hypotheticals
in the past, feel free, but it's a waste of time lobby to change
perl to screw people who you feel deserve it.

And don't be surprised if replies contain the same tone as the
your own self-styled rants.  

Hope this helps,


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