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Re: [ID 20000111.008] use strict 'vars'

Tom Christiansen wrote:
> it is arrogant to make these high-and-mighty decisions
> about how people "should" be programming just so that they'll
> conform to *your* puritanical maxims.

and that would that be *your* puritanical maxim then?
come down from the mountain, Tom, you're neither god nor moses.

I never claimed to have the answer, I only asked why it was
done the way it was done, and asked why couldn't it be done
this other way or that other way. I was looking for the 
benefit versus cost comparison.

but if the weight of backward compatibility is infinite,
as you imply with your written-in-stone commandment,
then the scales will always be tipped in the favor or
never changing anything that's been added to perl,
regardless of how much it might have turned into a
piece of shit.


Follow-Ups from:
Tom Christiansen <tchrist@chthon.perl.com>
"Mark Mielke" <markm@nortelnetworks.com>

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