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Re: exists $foo[7] and delete $foo[7]

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000 11:03:14 EST, Mark-Jason Dominus wrote:
>> I've generally found Sarathy's tastes to be impeccable, 
>Me too, but he hasn't explained this one, and it still puzzles me.
>People already have trouble learning the difference between 0 and ""
>and undef.  Then they have to learn about a fourth thing for hashes
>when they find out about `exists'.  Now there is a fifth thing,
>`uninitialized', which is different from `undefined', and it seems to
>be different from `exists' for hashes.  Or maybe it isn't.  I can't tell.

Actually, it is the "same thing" as exists() for hashes, if you'll
agree that what exists() returned for pseudo-hashes was the "same thing"
as what it returned for hashes.

>So I fear that people will be even more confused than they are
>already, and no explanation or rationale has been advanced, except
>that Sarathy said that he `had to hack it in' to `fix some pesky
>artificial limitation in pseudo-hashes', whatever that is. 
>That's why I asked for an explanation, but that was only a little
>while ago, and it hasn't come yet.  I'd sure like to know what it is

Let me know if you want the remove the support for defined() and
exists() on arrays after reading my explanation.  I'm taking a head
count on opinions.


Follow-Ups from:
"Mark Mielke" <markm@nortelnetworks.com>
Joshua N Pritikin <joshua.pritikin@db.com>
Larry Wall <larry@wall.org>
Larry Wall <larry@wall.org>
Nick Ing-Simmons <nick@ing-simmons.net>
References to:
Mark-Jason Dominus <mjd@plover.com>

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