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Re: exists $foo[7] and delete $foo[7]

> It isn't a change, in the sense that this doesn't break anything,

Yes, but it is a change, in the sense that it is an addition.  

> I've generally found Sarathy's tastes to be impeccable, 

Me too, but he hasn't explained this one, and it still puzzles me.

People already have trouble learning the difference between 0 and ""
and undef.  Then they have to learn about a fourth thing for hashes
when they find out about `exists'.  Now there is a fifth thing,
`uninitialized', which is different from `undefined', and it seems to
be different from `exists' for hashes.  Or maybe it isn't.  I can't tell.

So I fear that people will be even more confused than they are
already, and no explanation or rationale has been advanced, except
that Sarathy said that he `had to hack it in' to `fix some pesky
artificial limitation in pseudo-hashes', whatever that is. 

That's why I asked for an explanation, but that was only a little
while ago, and it hasn't come yet.  I'd sure like to know what it is

References to:
Larry Wall <larry@wall.org>

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