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Re: On Pseudohashes

Tom Christiansen <tchrist@chthon.perl.com> writes:
>>It's always been advisable for classes to pre-declare all their methods
>>if using AUTOLOAD.
>Tim, some time ago something came up about autoloading method calls
>that bothered me in an MI scenario.  Seems to me you respondedi
>similarly then.  I'm pretty sure it was the following inheritance
>                A
>                 \
>                  B   C         @B::ISA = ('A');
>                   \ /
>                    D           @D::ISA = ('B', 'C');
>Suppose that each of those classes were using autoloading to generate
>its attribute accessors.  If D->m() is called, and that method m()
>is really supposed to be handled iby C, there's no way for B's
>autoload to "super" it over to C.  Instead, B::SUPER just gets to
>ascend to A--which doesn't help.  You can never renege on an AUTOLOAD
>so that Perl's method lookup would treat that hit as a miss and
>then go on to inspect sibling branches of the tree.
>Does pre-declaring methods to be handled via AUTOLOAD entirely clear
>this matter up?  

Yes. There will be a stub in C so that will trigger "call" C::method
which will then AUTOLOAD.

>If there some obvious advantage to using AUTOLOAD
>over, say, iterated registration of closures in the package symbol

Only the reduction in memory use by not having subs for methods
you are not using. My impression is that closure scheme is fairly 
efficient though - one op tree for the sub with the "variables" hung 
off the side.

>In my libertine youth, I would frequently advocate AUTOLOAD
>to cover generic accessor methods, but in later years I've grown
>to mistrust in the extreme that particular strategy for realistically
>complex class hierarchies.
Nick Ing-Simmons <nik@tiuk.ti.com>
Via, but not speaking for: Texas Instruments Ltd.

References to:
Tom Christiansen <tchrist@chthon.perl.com>

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