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Re: Tracking an "Out of Memory!" error

Randy J. Ray writes:
> I've got an application that uses a local library, a couple of CPAN
> libs and a couple of core libs. None of the libraries are unique to
> this application, and the combination in this specific application
> isn't unique, either. However, this application crashes with the panic
> message, "Out of Memory!", whereas none of the other applications in
> this system do. I've stepped through the debugger, and the point at
> which it appears to be occuring is inside of the CPAN library
> Text::Template, at a point where it eval's a chunk of code from within
> the template being filled out. When these evals run (it dies on the
> third or fourth), it appears to be evaluating the whole script itself,
> as well as the chunk in question. However, this could be a side effect
> of running under the debugger.
> At this stage, I'm dead in the water. I cannot determine what is
> causing the memory error, and I cannot work around the need for
> Text::Template in the application. Any ideas are greatly welcomed.

What about setting $^M and running under debugger?


References to:
"Randy J. Ray" <rjray@tzimisce.soma.redhat.com>

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