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Re: Locking question

In article <85nr1c$htf$1@pegasus.csx.cam.ac.uk>,
	mjtg@cus.cam.ac.uk (M.J.T. Guy) writes:

: In article <85ktum$hip$1@info2.uah.edu>, Greg Bacon <gbacon@cs.uah.edu> wrote:
: >Indeed.  I applied this patch:
: Errr... where?    It hasn't shown up on p5p yet.

It should have by now.

: And I suggest it should also set $! to EBADF.    Returning false without
: setting $! is wrong.

Ok, apply this atop the patch I sent to p5p as Message-ID

diff -ru perl5.005_63+closed-warnings/pp_sys.c perl5.005_63/pp_sys.c
--- perl5.005_63+closed-warnings/pp_sys.c       Fri Jan 14 18:44:04 2000
+++ perl5.005_63/pp_sys.c       Mon Jan 17 13:00:26 2000
@@ -1986,6 +1986,7 @@
     else {
        value = 0;
        if (ckWARN(WARN_CLOSED))
            Perl_ck_open_dir(aTHX_ gv, GvIO(gv), "flock", "filehandle");
End of Patch.

Isn't it curious how ``page'' has become a colloquial term for the word
``document'' in hypertext, in a medium that does not have pages anymore?
Do we reuse words as soon as they are freed up by technology?  Do we reuse
those of whose destruction we can't bear to be reminded?  -- Jutta Degener

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