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Re: MakeMaker change needed to fix Apache/mod_perl coredumps

Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:

> The reason -lperl is NOT added to related .so builds is that SunOS4
> (and perhaps closely related BSD) complains if the "same" file is
> attempted to be loaded twice.
> i.e. if perl is loaded and loads -lperl then if Tk is linked with -lperl
> too (as it perhaps should be) then SunOS4 has kittens because the
> two -lperls are at different base addresses and it can't cope.
> While -lperl was not that much of an issue at the time other shared
> libs linked to perl were, so they are removed.
> Which just says we need a 'hint' file for old systems like SunOS4,
> but at the time this got implemented SunOS was very common.

Seems fair enough to me.  I think perhaps the 'proper' fix is to add
functonality to DynaLoader to unload .so files.  The problem is though,
what do you do with any associated .pm code?  Perl doesn't support
'unrequire' or 'unuse', so simply dlclos'ing the .so isn't the whole

Alan Burlison

Follow-Ups from:
Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>
References to:
Alan Burlison <Alan.Burlison@uk.sun.com>
Nick Ing-Simmons <nick@ing-simmons.net>

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