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Re: MakeMaker change needed to fix Apache/mod_perl coredumps

Hugo wrote:
> In <3881148A.85E85213@uk.sun.com>, Alan Burlison writes:
> :This would mean adding
> :"-L <path to libperl.so> -lperl" to the linker line in the Makefiles
> :output by MakeMaker.
> :
> :Can anyone think of any deleterious effects of doing this?  If not, I'll
> :get folks on the mod_perl list to check that the fix actually works on
> :all the affected systems and then submit an official patch to p5p.
> What happens if you move libperl.so, for example to somewhere else in
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH: would this work for modules compiled before but fail
> for those compiled after the proposed change? I've always found the
> locating of .so files mysterious (not just in perl), so this springs
> to mind as a potential problem.

The perl executable is already 'hard coded' to expect libperl.so to be
in a specific place anyway - adding this to the XS .so files won't make
perl any more non-moveable than it is at present.  The correct fix fro
Solaris 7 onwards is to use the $ORIGIN linker variable that allows you
to specify relative locations for .so files.  However, this still
doesn't fix the problem of the hard-coded value of INC.

Also see my post "Dynaloader/MakeMaker problem: ..." for more details on
the exact cause of the problem.

Alan Burlison

References to:
Hugo <hv@crypt.compulink.co.uk>

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