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Re: exists $foo[7] and delete $foo[7]

Gurusamy Sarathy writes:
| Currently my choices are these:
|   1. remove exists/delete support for arrays, keep them for pseudo-hashes
|      (pseudo-hashes will still remain experimental)
|   2. remove exists/delete support for arrays, and remove/deprecate
|      pseudo-hashes altogether
|   3. don't change anything over what was in 5.005_63
|   Just to clarify the 5.005_63 behavior, for people who may want to vote #3,
|   perl 5.005_63 has these "features"/warts:
|     * delete does not work on pseudo-hashes
|     * exists still tests "uninitialized" state of underlying array element
|     * there is no way to get exists() to return false on a pseudo-hash
|       element if it is assigned to at least once
|   4. something else I haven't thought of

Er, I don't think you provided the option 'Go for it: let the patches to 
make delete / exists work for arrays.'

For which I vote; partly because I think there's good reason for drawing 
the analogy (as you have explained); and partly because pseudo-hashes,
and existential arrays are an optional feature --- nobody's mandated to
use them.


References to:
Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi@iki.fi>
Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@ActiveState.com>

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