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Re: exists $foo[7] and delete $foo[7]

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000 16:39:07 EST, Joshua N Pritikin wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 01:04:13PM -0800, larry@wall.org wrote:
>> london@pixelmagic.com writes:
>> : or its another weirdness to remember about perl.
>> Mostly it's another weirdness that people will never learn until they
>> want to.  Just doc it under delete and exists, and leave it at that.
>Speaking for weirdness, is anyone else concerned with the autovivication
>of intermediate steps of exists()?  My expectation has always been that
>exists() does not autovivify.  Once the behavior is documented, then it
>will be more difficult to fix later.

IIRC, the current documentation says it will be fixed in a future


References to:
Joshua N Pritikin <joshua.pritikin@db.com>

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