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Re: Finding old library directories (was Re: automatic perl module rpm wrapper)

Andy Dougherty <doughera@lafayette.edu> writes:
>On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
>> I was suggesting hunting $ENV{PATH} for "current" perl(s)
>No, I don't think so.  If I have "current" perl in /opt/perl5.005/ and I'm
>installing the "new" perl in /opt/perl5.6.0 in order to keep separate
>versions separate, then I don't think the default installation of
>perl5.6.0 ought to go hunting in /opt/perl5.005 for its sitelib
>directories.  This isn't keeping separate things separate.

I could not agree more - all my work perls are like that.
But that is making the case for NOT adding "existing site lib" to the 
@INC path. 

The subject under discussion is HOW to add "existing site lib"
to the @INC path - once "we" have decided to make this an option we can 
decide how best to find the libs. It seems to me that if a person
wants to keep the site lib stuff visible, then it is presumably the 
perl they are using _now_ that they want to re-use i.e. the perl that is 
found by $PATH search.

Or if I am Configuring to a place I installed before 
(e.g. /usr/local/bin) then asking an existing /usr/local/bin/perl 
is a way to get the "site" defaults. Much better than a Policy.sh 
which is on tape because the person that installed the perl has now left the 
company and he built it from his home area.

Nick Ing-Simmons <nik@tiuk.ti.com>
Via, but not speaking for: Texas Instruments Ltd.

Follow-Ups from:
Andy Dougherty <doughera@lafayette.edu>
Andy Dougherty <doughera@lafayette.edu>
References to:
Andy Dougherty <doughera@lafayette.edu>

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