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Re: [ID 20000120.001] Diff to add print formatting to debugger

>a) If you want to send patches, use diff -pu or diff -p.

Why would you use -p for Perl code?

    % man 1 diff
	   -p     Show which C function each change is in.

Also, -p isn't even in POSIX.2, so I don't know how you can expect people
to have it.  Then again, neither is -u.


    The following options are supported: 

    -b Cause any amount of white space at the end of a line to be treated as a
        single newline character (that is, the white-space characters
        preceding the newline character are ignored) and other strings of
        white-space characters, not including newline characters, to compare
    -c Produce output in a form that provides three lines of context. 
    -C n 
        Produce output in a form that provides n lines of context (where n will
        be interpreted as a positive decimal integer). 
    -e Produce output in a form suitable as input for the ed utility, which can
        then be used to convert file1 into file2. 
    -f Produce output in an alternative form, similar in format to -e, but
        unsuitable as input for the ed utility, and in the opposite order. 
    -r Apply diff recursively to files and directories of the same name when
        file1 and file2 are both directories. 


Follow-Ups from:
Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>

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