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Re: Sys::Syslog stuff

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Tom Christiansen wrote:

> From: Jeffrey Friedl <jfriedl@yahoo-inc.com>

> |>     redhat-new% perl -MSys::Syslog -e 1
> |>     Can't locate syslog.ph in @INC (did you run h2ph?) (@INC contains:...

> |> Only OpenBSD seems to come with syslog working by default.  Their

Not just OpenBSD.  Debian Linux has also installed all the relevant *.ph
files for quite a long time now.

    Andy Dougherty		doughera@lafayette.edu
    Dept. of Physics
    Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042

References to:
Tom Christiansen <tchrist@chthon.perl.com>

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