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Re: vendor_perl

>We really need to fix Sys::Syslog.  I see that there's now an XS version
>on CPAN, which is the right way to do it.  Maybe the author of that
>version can be talked into adding the needed backwards compatibility with
>the core Sys::Syslog so that we can replace the current version with it?

>libc is the only thing that knows how to call syslog() properly on a given
>platform, given issues like STREAMS and different log socket locations and
>the like.


Jeffrey Freidl recently contacted me about this issue.  I wish I
retained that mail, but the disk immolated.  In fact, I don't even 
have his address.  If someone else does, and cares about all this,
they should try to get a copy of our exchange from him.

There are annoyances between the various daemons, who sometimes
will listed to UDP sockets, sometimes not.  The default in Perl's
Sys::Syslog module doesn't work in all places.


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