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How do I start a process in the background?

Hello Every Body!

Maybe somebody help me.
I've a form in html,the submit call a perl-cgi(program.cgi) and this
program contain
a line to invoke a other programm in background:


print STDOUT "Content-type: text/html \n\n";

$| = 1;


print STDOUT "<html><body>Congratulations your form
system("./senddata.pl $wcod_grp '$wmail' &");

#or ´./senddata.pl $wcod_grp '$wmail' & `

#or exec("./senddata.pl $wcod_grp '$wmail' & ");

#FORK: {
#   if ( $pid = fork ) {
#       print STDOUT "<html><body>Hola</body></html>";
#   } 
#    elsif ( defined $pid ) {
#       exec("nohup ./sendata.pl $wcod_grp '$wmail' &");
#    } 

sub parse_form

sub get_variables

The program senddata.pl execute all code in about 30-40 seconds (this
programm dont write anythig
in stdout), but i don't want the people wait all this time to look the
message "Congratulations your form ............" for this i started a
programm in background but don't work.
I found a solution to display the message before the programm in
background finish, i 
writed this lines in "program.cgi" 
        $| = 1;

the browser show the message "Congratula....." but the hourglass
continue working i when
i click on buttoms Back-Forward-etc show the message "Transfer

any idea?

Thanks, regards

Follow-Ups from:
Dominic Dunlop <domo@computer.org>

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