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Re: [PATCH 5.5.63] warn on flock() on closed handle

On Fri, 14 Jan 2000 15:15:24 CST, Greg Bacon wrote:
>At Sarathy's suggestion, this patch adds Perl_ck_open_dir to util.c.
>Perl_ck_open_dir takes an operator name, an IO*, and the IO*'s parent
>GV*.  If IoDIRP(io) is non-NULL, it emits a warning modifier (one
>warning will have already fired) asking whether the user thinks he's
>operating on a dirhandle.


I think I forgot to mention that you should patch over change#4709 I
sent earlier.  That fixes up some of the text of the warnings.  Sorry
about that.

And we should probably move the existing Perl_warn() inside the
function rather than leave it out.  That would show the name of the
handle for many of the warnings that are currently missing it.


References to:
Greg Bacon <gbacon@itsc.uah.edu>

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