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Re: exists $foo[7] and delete $foo[7]

Pete Jordan wrote:

>         $foo[0]='bar';
>         $foo[5]='baz';
>         @foo >> 0 == 5

Hmmm. For completeness (and for dealing with C<@foo=();
$foo[1_000_000]=1>) we'd also need a FIRSTKEY equivalent. Dunno what
would suit; there isn't any obvious converse to C<$#foo> that I can
think of.

use Disclaimer::Standard;	# Motorola GSM Software Factory
my $phone='+44 1793 564450';	# "'Not twisted,' Salzy once said of
my $fax='+44 1793 566918';	#  her own passion, 'it is helical.
my $mobile='+44 7973 725120';	#  That sounds better.'"

References to:
John Macdonald <jmm@pickering.elegant.com>
Martyn Pearce <m.pearce@inpharmatica.co.uk>
Pete Jordan <pjordan1@email.mot.com>

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