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Re: exists $foo[7] and delete $foo[7]

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000 22:03:30 GMT, Alan Burlison wrote:
>I wasted nearly a day because of this on the first big perl program I
>wrote.  I use nested hashes quite often, and having to explicitly test
>all the way down the tree to avoid autoconfustication is a right royal
>pain,  i.e.
>if (! exists($h->{$a}) || ! exists($h->{$a}{$b}) || !
>instead of the much more obvious
>if (! exists($h->{$a}{$b}{$c}))

I suppose I ought to go and ask tchrist about how one would write:

   if (! exists($h->[$a][$b][$c]))

without a functional exists() on arrays, huh?  :-)


References to:
Alan Burlison <Alan.Burlison@uk.sun.com>

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