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Re: Finding old library directories (was Re: automatic perl module rpm wrapper)

On Sat, 08 Jan 2000 18:49:41 GMT, Tom Hughes wrote:
>In message <199912172025.MAA14839@activestate.com>
>          Gurusamy Sarathy <gsar@ActiveState.com> wrote:
>> I was basically just saying that the lookup table should be in
>> config.sh (and thence Config.pm and config.h for use in lib.pm and
>> incpush()).
>The question is how does it get into config.sh - is it hardwired
>somewhere or does Configure attempt to generate the list automatically
>from the current version number and the definition of {xs,pm}_apiversion?

1. Configure should ask the user if additional directories need to be
added.  Default 'y'.

2. If the answer for #1 is 'y', Configure should look for directories like
on the filesystem, and add $1 and $1/archname to the default list
of directories, if they exist.  (The site library layout actually changed
in some versions of perl, so additional patterns may need to be looked for.
Andy knows that history best.)

3. Configure should present the list to the user as the default and allow
them to edit it (as it normally does).

4. perl.c should do incpush($_,0) foreach item on the list.

>If we want to include only those versions which ever actually existed
>then it will probably have to be hardwired won't it? which adds an
>extra maintenance task for the pumpkings each time they do a release.

I don't see why hardwiring anything is necessary.  Am I missing some
desired functionality in the above?


Follow-Ups from:
Tom Hughes <tom@compton.nu>
References to:
Tom Hughes <tom@compton.nu>

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