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Re: CPAN is getting too big

On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 01:13:18PM +0100, Johan Vromans wrote:
> This message is intended for CPAN people.
> As you may have noticed, the amount of information on CPAN now exceeds
> the 650Mb that fits on a CD-ROM. Since people (like publishers)
> occasionally make CPAN snapshots on CD, we need a way to either split
> or ignore some of the contents.
> Before re-inventing wheels, what do you think?

    rm authors/id/G*AR/perl5.00[45]*.patch.gz

* Kurt Starsinic (kstar@orientation.com) ---------- Senior Network Engineer *
|      `It is always possible to aglutenate multiple separate problems      |
|       into a single complex interdependent solution.  In most cases       |
|       this is a bad idea.' - Ross Callon                                  |

Follow-Ups from:
Nick Ing-Simmons <nik@tiuk.ti.com>
Colin Kuskie <ckuskie@cadence.com>
References to:
Johan Vromans <jvromans@squirrel.nl>

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