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Re: smarter makes

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Tom Christiansen wrote:
> Likewise with building modules: why should I have to remember the "perl
> Makefile.PL" step, when an initial default makefile would know to do
> that for me?

Well - I can answer a bit of that one.

On non-POSIX systems (eg: VMS) the make/Makefile pair might be named
something quite different (eg: mms/descrip.mms).

It makes the task of porting modules easier (not much, but some) that
the installation process start with 'perl Makefile.PL' - after all
perl is normally called perl.
After this initial step we do VMSish things on VMS and POSIXish thing
on POSIXy systems...

Henrik Tougaard    ht@datani.dk  (a.k.a. ht000@foa.dk)
Datani A/S, Software Consultants, Copenhagen, Denmark
#include <disclaim.std>

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JVromans@squirrel.nl (Johan Vromans)
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Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>

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