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Re: File::Glob in failure perl5.05_63 XSLoader on OpenBSD 2.6

>> What ever happened to the sane and simple idea of a makefile
>> target for building a debugging perl?  How about "make debug"?

>I think 
>  ./Configure -des -D optimize=-g

>is the answer, but I rarely use this.  

I tried 

sh Configure -Doptimize='-g' 
sh Configure -Doptimize='-g' -S

Now I'm doing it the hard way.  Walk slowly through the
questions until it's time to say &-d.

>I eigher edit cflags to put -g
>in debugging flags (this makes debugging core, and I can have
>debugging on for newly recompiled files only, which saves some time), or do

Easier said than done, especially for extensions, which don't
pick up the same flags.

>  make OPTIMIZE="-g -Dregister="

>in the extension directory.

Well, yes.


Follow-Ups from:
Andy Dougherty <doughera@lafayette.edu>
References to:
Ilya Zakharevich <ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>

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