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Re: File::Glob in failure perl5.05_63 XSLoader on OpenBSD 2.6

Tom Christiansen writes:
>     % ../perl -I ../lib -le 'print join(" ", <*>)'
>     README TEST UTEST base cmd comp harness io lib op perl pod pragma
> So it's not just absolute it works in.  It's ok with "../lib" 
> as well.

[Probably in ./t]


  ./perl -I ./lib -le 'print join(" ", <*>)'

work in . ?  It does on Solaris 7...

> I started looking through DynaLoader.pm for instances of "dir" 
> and path mungeing, but there's so much of it, I thought I'd stop
> now and mail it in.

As a rule, DynaLoader.pm is not used by Perl any more.  But
XSLoader.pm contains *less* code than DynaLoader.pm...


Follow-Ups from:
Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>
References to:
Tom Christiansen <tchrist@jhereg.perl.com>

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