Frequently Asked Questions about (Plane) Triangles. Henry G. Baker October, 1996. Copyright (c) 1996 by Henry G. Baker. All rights reserved. This FAQ file is located at Web URL: Q. How to find the diameter of the 'circumcircle': the circle which circumscribes a triangle? I.e., Given a triangle with vertices A,B,C (with respective angles A,B,C) and opposite sides a,b,c, respectively, find the diameter of the circle which circumscribes the points A,B,C. We make use of the following theorem: THEOREM. In the circle circumscribing points A,B,C, the central angle of the arc BC (with chord a) is A/2, _independent_ of the actual values of the angles B,C. We then move point A while holding the position and the length of side a constant, and holding angle A constant. The locus of these points is an arc on the circle which circumscribes A,B,C. Let b', B', c', C' denote the new sides and new angles generated during the motion of A along the circumscribed circle. Note that we do not need a' or A', since neither a nor A has changed. At one extreme on the locus of these points, the new angle B' is zero, while at the other extreme on the locus of these points, the angle B' is 180 degrees. Since the motion is continuous, there is a point on this locus at which the angle B' is 90 degrees. But in this case, side b' becomes a diameter D of the circumscribed circle. Now consider sin A = (opposite)/(hypoteneuse) = a/b'. Rearranging, we get b' = a/sin(A). But b' is the diameter D of the circumcircle; therefore D = b' = a/sin(A). By symmetry, we can use exactly the same argument for the other sides and angles. We have now proved "the law of sines": D = a/sin(A) = b/sin(B) = c/sin(C) ---------- Q. How to find the area of a triangle in terms of the lengths of its sides? I.e., given a triangle with vertices A,B,C (with respective angles A,B,C), and opposite sides a,b,c, respectively, find an expression for the area of the triangle in terms of a,b,c. Let V be the vector CB and W be the vector CA. Then |V|=a and |W|=b. Consider the cross product VxW of V,W. Then Area = 1/2 |VxW| = 1/2 |V| |W| sin(C) = 1/2 a b sin(C). But by the law of sines, the diameter of the circumcircle D=c/sin(C), sin(C)=c/D, so Area = 1/2 a b sin(C) = 1/2 a b c/D = abc/(2D) = abc/(4R), where R = radius of the circumcircle. We thus have expressed the triangle area in terms of the sides and the radius R of the circumcircle. Consider now the circle _inscribed_ within the triangle A,B,C: the 'incircle'. The center of the incircle lies at the intersection of the angle bisectors for the three vertices of the triangle. We can now break up the original triangle in to 3 little triangles having the original sides as bases, and whose third vertices are all identically the center of the incircle. We note that the _altitudes_ of all three triangles are identical, and equal to the radius r of the incircle. The area of the original triangle can now be obtained by summing the areas of the three little triangles: Area = 1/2 a r + 1/2 b r + 1/2 c r = 1/2 (a+b+c) r = s r, where s = (a+b+c)/2 is the 'semiperimeter' of the original triangle, and r is the radius of the incircle. We then break each of the smaller triangles at the altitude into 2 right triangles, and we notice that there are two congruent triangles on either side of the angle bisectors of the original triangle. We now consider the lengths of the bases of these 6 smaller triangles (3 congruent pairs). We denote the bases of the congruent pair adjacent to the vertex A by x, the bases of the congruent pair adjacent to the vertex B by y, and the bases of the congruent pair adjacent to the vertex C by z. We note that a = y+z b = x+z c = x+y This is three linear equations in three unknowns, and if we solve them, we get 2x = -a+b+c, or x = s-a 2y = a-b+c, or y = s-b 2z = a+b-c, or z = s-c Incidentally, we have now computed the following tangents: tan(A/2) = r/(s-a) tan(B/2) = r/(s-b) tan(C/2) = r/(s-c) If we now sum up the areas of these 6 small triangles (3 congruent pairs), we get 2 1/2 x r + 2 1/2 y r + 2 1/2 z r = xr+yr+zr = (x+y+z)r = (s-a+s-b+s-c)r = (3s-2s)r = sr By equating these two expressions for the area of a triangle, we can get a relationship between the radius R of the circumcircle and the radius r of the incircle. Area = sr = abc/(4R), so 4Rr = abc/s, or 2Rr = abc/(a+b+c) We would now like to express tan(A/2) directly in terms of a,b,c. Using the 'cosine' formula, we can compute cos(A): a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc cos(A), or cos(A) = (b^2 + c^2 - a^2)/(2bc) Using the fact that a = 2s-(b+c), we get cos(A) = 1 - 2(s-b)(s-c)/(bc) We now recognize this as the cosine double-angle formula: cos(A) = 1 - 2(s-b)(s-c)/(bc) = 1 - 2 sin^2(A/2), so sin^2(A/2) = (s-b)(s-c)/(bc), and therefore sin(A/2) = sqrt((s-b)(s-c)/(bc)) Now we can compute tan(A/2) as: tan(A/2) = sin(A/2)/sqrt(1-sin^2(A/2)) = sqrt((s-b)(s-c)/(bc)) / sqrt(1-(s-b)(s-c)/(bc)) = sqrt((s-b)(s-c)) / sqrt(bc-(s-b)(s-c)) = sqrt((s-b)(s-c)) / sqrt(s(s-a)) = sqrt((s-b)(s-c)/(s(s-a))) Using the fact (proved above) that tan(A/2)=r/(s-a), we now get the radius r of the incircle in terms of the sides a,b,c: r = (s-a) sqrt((s-b)(s-c)/(s(s-a))) = sqrt((s-a)(s-b)(s-c)/s) Since the area of the triangle is sr, we have Area = sr = s sqrt((s-a)(s-b)(s-c)/s) = sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), which is "Heron's formula" for the area of a triangle in terms of the sides a,b,c. The radius R of the circumcircle in terms of the sides a,b,c is now R = abc/(4rs) = 1/4 abc/sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)) -----