MIT PDP-10 'Info' file converted to Hypertext 'html' format by Henry Baker

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Floating Point Arithmetic

Single precision floating point numbers are represented in one 36 bit word as follows:
 0 00000000 011111111112222222222333333
 0 12345678 901234567890123456789012345
| |       |                            |
|S| EXP   |     Fraction               |
If S is zero, the sign is positive. If S is one the sign is negative and the word is in twos complement format. The fraction is interpreted as having a binary point between bits 8 and 9. The exponent is an exponent of 2 represented in excess 200 (octal) notation. In a normalized floating point number bit 9 is different from bit 0, except in a negative number bits 0 and 9 may both be one if bits 10:35 are all zero. A floating point zero is represented by a word with 36 bits of zero. Floating point numbers can represent numbers with magnitude within the range 0.5*2^|-128 to (1-2^|-27)*2^|127, and zero.

A number that in which bit 0 is one and bits 9-35 are zero can produce an incorrect result in any floating point operation. Any word with a zero fraction and non-zero exponent can produce extreme loss of precision if used as an operand in a floating point addition or subtraction.

In KI10 (and KL10) double precision floating point, a second word is included which contains in bits 1:35 an additional 35 fraction bits. The additional fraction bits do not significantly affect the range of representable numbers, rather they extend the precision.

The KA10 lacks double precision floating point hardware, however there are several instructions by which software may implement double precision. These instructions are DFN, UFA, FADL, FSBL, FMPL, and FDVL. Users of the KL10 are strongly advised to avoid using these intructions.

In the PDP-6 floating pointing is somewhat different. Consult a wizard.

            |AD add                       |  result to AC
F floating  |SB subtract  |R rounded      |I Immediate. result to AC
            |MP multiply  |               |M result to memory
            |DV divide    |               |B result to memory and AC
                          |  no rounding  |  result to AC
                                          |L Long mode
                                          |M result to memory
                                          |B result to memory and AC

                   |AD add
DF double floating |SB subtract
                   |MP multiply
                   |DV divide
Note: In immediate mode, the memory operand is <E,,0>. In long mode (except FDVL) the result appears in AC and AC+1. In FDVL the AC operand is in AC and AC+1 and the quotient is stored in AC with the remainder in AC+1.

Other floating point instructions:

FSC (Floating SCale) will add E to the exponent of the number in AC and normalize the result. One use of FSC is to convert an integer in AC to floating point (but FLTR, available in the KI and KL is better) To use FSC to float an integer, set E to 233 (excess 200 and shift the binary point 27 bits). The integer being floated must not have more than 27 significant bits. FSC will set AROV and FOV if the resulting exponent exceeds 127. FXU (and AROV and FOV) will be set if the exponent becomes smaller than -128.

DFN (Double Floating Negate) is used only to negate KA10 software format double precision floating point numbers. DFN treats AC and E as a KA10 double floating point number which it negates and stores back. AC is the high order word. Usually the low order word is in AC+1, so the instruction most often appears as DFN AC,AC+1.

UFA (Unnormalized Floating Add) is used in KA10 to assist in software format double precision arithmetic. UFA will add C(AC) to C(E) and place the result in AC+1. The result of UFA will not be postnormalized unless in original operands the exponents and signs were the same and a fraction with magnitude greater than or equal to 1 was produced. Only in this case will a one step normalization (right shift) occur. UFA will overflow in the same circumstances as FAD. Underflow is not possible.

FIX will convert a floating point number to an integer. If the exponent of the floating point number in C(E) is greater than (decimal) 35 (which is octal 243) then this instruction will set AROV and not affect C(AC). Otherwise, convert C(E) to fixed point by the following procedure: Move C(E) to AC, copying bit 0 of C(E) to bits 1:8 of AC (sign extend). Then ASH AC by X-27 bits (where X is the exonent from bits 1:9 of C(E) less 200 octal). FIX will truncate towards zero, i.e., 1.9 is fixed to 1 and -1.9 is fixed to -1.

FIXR (Fix and round) will convert a floating point number to an integer by rounding. If the exponent of the floating point number in C(E) is greater than (decimal) 35 (which is octal 243) then this instruction will set AROV and not affect C(AC). Otherwise, convert C(E) to fixed point by the following procedure: Move C(E) to AC, copying bit 0 of C(E) to bits 1:8 of AC (sign extend). Then ASH AC by X-27 bits (where X is the exponent from bits 1:9 of C(E) less 200 octal). If X-27 is negative (i.e., right shift) then the rounding process will consider the bits shifted off the right end of AC. If AC is positive and the discarded bits are >=1/2 then 1 is added to AC. If AC is negative and the discarded bits are >1/2 then 1 is added to AC. Rounding is always in the positive direction: 1.4 becomes 1, 1.5 becomes 2, -1.5 becomes -1, and -1.6 becomes -2.

FLTR (FLoaT and Round) will convert C(E), an integer, to floating point and place the result in AC. The data from C(E) is copied to AC where its is arithmetic shifted right 8 places (keeping the bits that fall off the end) and the exponent 243 is inserted in bits 1:8. The resulting number is normalized until bit 9 is significant (normalization may result in some or all of the bits that were right shifted being brought back into AC). Finally, if any of the bits that were right shifted still remain outside the AC the result is rounded by looking at the bit to the right of the AC.