Lingol Archive
NLingol.html (WWW hypertext) (8 pages)
Baker, Henry G. "A New Lingol System". Unpublished memo, April,
1977. Discusses the improvements made to Vaughan Pratt's Lingol
natural language parsing system to better handle morphological
decomposition of words, irregular verbs and nouns, subject-predicate
agreement, etc.
Pratt73.html (WWW hypertext) (16 pages)
Pratt, Vaughan R. "A Linguistics Oriented Programming Language". MIT
AI Memo 277, February 1973. The basic Lingol document.
Pratt75.html (WWW hypertext) (10 pages)
Pratt, Vaughan R. "LINGOL -- A Progress Report". MIT AI Working Paper
89, January 1975. Discusses the Lingol parsing mechanism.