Lightning Talks at YAPC 2002
We will have 16 lightning talks at YAPC 2002 in Saint Louis, Missouri.
Submissions are closed.
Here is the schedule. This isn't the schedule we followed exactly;
there were (as usual) a number of last-minute changes. This page will
have links to authors' talk materials as they become available.
- Why We Need Perl6
- Adam Turoff
- Easy Parsing with Getopt::Declare
- Tim Maher
- "Design Patterns" Aren't
- Mark Jason Dominus
- How to Get Started Testing for CPAN
- Brian King
- CPAN is Unusable
- David W. Crawford
- On Beyond Perl V (if Dr. Seuss were a Perl 6 hacker)
- Allison Randal
(Short break)
- Geek Culture Considered Harmful
- Andy Lester
- The Comp::Bio Module
- Sean Quinlan
- Mapping a Website Using Perl
- R. Lonstein
- Observations on build time and tarball size
- Abigail
- A [Very] Brief Intro to SNMP::Multi
- Joshua Keroes
- Five Steps to Better Perl
- Adam Turoff
- View from the trenches: some lessons learned building a moderately large OOPerl application with persistent objects
- Dana Hudes
- A Cartoon Guide to Perl
- Nathan Torkington
- Algorithmic Rhyming and 'The Name Game'
- Tim Maher
More Information about Lightning Talks.
Any questions? Mail
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